Customer Statement Printing

Customer File Maintenance Setup

A setting in Customer-File Maintenance controls whether a customer is included in batch selection for statement printing. The field is named "Invoice Delivery Method". There are 3 selection choices for this field:

  • Invoice Only - The customer will NOT be included in batch printing/emailing of Customer Statements. Customer will only receive printed/emailed invoices and credits.
  • Statements Only - Customer will be included in batch printing/emailing of Customer Statements. The Customer will NOT be included in batch printing/emailing of invoices or credits.
  • Both Statements and Invoices - The customer will be included in batch printing/emailing of invoices or credits, and included in batch printing/emailing of Customer Statements.

Processing Customer Statement

1) Click Actions -> Refresh to retrieve listing of customers.

All customers having Invoice Delivery Method of "Statements Only" and "Both Statements and Invoices" will be retrieved into the grid REGARDLESS of past due days or open document balance.

2) By default, all records are selected (check marked). IMPORTANT**: Use column header to ‘Unselect All’ records.

3) Using the column header filters, set the filters for the requirement that you desire.

As you create your filter selection, it will be displayed in the footer of the grid. In the example shown below, this filter set is retrieving customers having an Open Balance <> $0.00 (meaning customers having a positive or credit balance) and Days Past Due >1. The filter is saved with your customizations and will be available to use upon your next opening of this interface.

Statement Printing.png

4) Once you are satisfied with the filter criteria and results, select the column header to ‘Select All’ the records displayed in the filtered grid.

5) Select File -> Print.

The Customer Statements will be routed (printed/emailed) based upon the Document Control settings applicable to the Global and Customer configuration.

** Failure to ‘Unselect All’ before applying your filters will result in records being ‘Selected’ but not displayed in the grid. Upon printing, those records will also be printed because they are ‘selected’, even though they are not displayed.