AR Adjustment

AR Adjustments are a means to edit the remaining balance on any AR transaction document (Invoice, Credit, Manual AR, Finance Charge, Overpayment).

  • The document must have a non-zero balance and/or not in "Paid" status.
  • An adjustment can be used to increase or decrease the value of the transaction document.
  • An AR Adjustment does not create a printable document that can be sent to the customer, rather it simply changes the remaining balance of transaction document. If it is desired to send a document to the customer or retain a file copy, it would be better to process a Manual AR Document which can be printed. Then apply the Manual AR Document via Customer Payment.

The following example is of an AR Adjustment to a Sales Invoice.

AR Adjustment.jpg

  • When processing an adjustment for something that ALREADY appears in the shipping section(ie the red box), you only place an entry within the red box. In the case of this example, if I wanted to adjust off the freight of $33.87, I would input -$33.84 into field "B" ONLY.
  • You would use the blue box only when you will be adjusting the invoice for some other reason such as shortpay, price adjustment, bad debt, etc. In those cases, you are required to input a Reason Code. So if the invoice had been paid short by $3, you would input -$3.00 into field A-1 and select a Reason Code for field A-2.