Sales Order Date Fields

A Sales Order header has the following date fields: Ordered On, Pick On, Promised By, Late After, and Printed On.

A Sales Order line has the following date fields: Pick On and Promised By

The Customer file maintenance screen contains fields Days to Pick and Late After Days. Upon a new customer being added, these two fields default to "0" and can be edited as necessary by the user. These fields serve as the basis to establish the default Pick On and Late After dates on a sales order header input for this customer.

Assuming the Customer's value for these two fields is set to "0", and a Sales order is input 5/1/2017, the order will have these initial dates: Ordered On: 5/1/17, Pick On: 5/1/17, Late After 5/1/17. The order's Promised By field defaults to no value and can be input by the user. This field can optionally be configured to require the user input before proceeding with order entry.

The sales order header Pick On value and Promised By values serve as the default values for each line being input. The user can edit each line's Pick On and Promised date values to be different from the header date values. Note that if a sales order already has lines and the user changes either of the header date fields, the user will be prompted whether they wish to mass update the line dates to match the newly assigned date value in the header.

The header Pick On, Promised By, Late After and line Promised By fields are all informational fields. Meaning they can be viewed on screen, displayed on forms, and used for analysis or filtering purposes on reports. These fields do not control any functions within Acclamare order processing. However, the sales order line's Pick On date value serves a critical purpose which impacts order processing. It the line's Pick On date is set to 5/20/2017 and the current system date is 5/5/2018, that lines is not considered to be eligible to ship, even if it has a committed quantity. The order may have other lines committed which have Pick On dates on or before 5/5//2018 and those lines will be included on the printed Pick Ticket, but the line for 5/20/2018 will be excluded. Just as a Pick On date beyond the current date prevents the line from appearing on a pick Ticket, so does the line Pick On date also prevent the line from being invoiced.

Each time a sales order Pick Ticket is printed, the sale order header field "Pick Ticket Printed" is refreshed with the current date/time stamp.  This field is informational and can optionally be included on printed forms. The field serves to assist users in determining when a document (Pick Ticket) had been last printed. 

Once an order has been entered, there are no system-actions which automatically change any of the date fields on the sales order header or lines. These values remain fully editable to be maintained by the user.

There is also a system configuration setting which dictates how inventory is allocated upon being received. The options are: Oldest Pick On Date First (line level Pick On) , Oldest Line First (header Ordered On), Smallest Quantity First, Largest Quantity First, and Customer Class Priority.